
Root CA of India

Root Certificate

A root certificate is a self-signed certificate. A root certificate, the top-most certificate of the tree, is based on the ITU-T X.509 standard. All certificates below the root certificate inherit the trustworthiness of the root certificate.


Existing Root Certificates

Name Valid From Valid To Certificate Latest Crl
CCA India 2022 02.02.2022 02.02.2042 (2 KB)  Certificate (1 KB) CRL
CCA India 2022 SPL 20.09.2022 20.09.2022 (2 KB)  Certificate (1 KB) CRL

NOTE: For Out-of-band Verification of certificates and receiving latest CRLs, send email to verifyroot AT


Expired Root Certificates

Name Valid From Valid To Certificate Last Crl
CCA India 2011 11.03.2011 11.03.2016 (2 KB) Certificate (1 KB) CRL
CCA India 2007 13.06.2007 04.07.2015 (2 KB) Certificate (1 KB) CRL
CCA India 05.07.2002 04.07.2009 (2 KB) Certificate (1 KB) CRL